looking through the lens
Hmmm come to think of it you think about your life in good times and the bad times, often we think that life is not looking particularly good at that point of time for you. Have you ever thought of what is happeneing around you and the kind of misery that they go through in life, when you start looking through 'this lens' you will start realising how good your life really is.....
I would like to post some of the instances in my life that i have seen misery and sorrow either right in front of my eyes or have heard about them and i would like to start with one
The case of the lost brother - One very rich and famous lady in her early 20s was in modelling and was quiet succesful. She had an oppurtunity to lead her life the way she wanted and also support her family. However one fine morning her brother passed away due to some strange reason, she then left her career and her nation to pursue a different career in a different field.
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