Kaushik Krishnan

Sales and Marketing, Birding , Nature , Photography , etc

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Birthdays, anniverseries, etc etc. celebration for what ?

Recently i came accross this strange situation where i had contributed to celebrate a birthday celebration in the office but forgot to wish the person next day morning.

Then i got back this interesting challenge that keeps going on in my brain every time i am in one of these 'celebrations' what is that we are looking for in that celebration ?

  • Is it the year that has gone by that you are celebrating ? - If you are celebrating the year that went by then you should have celebrated on every occasion that made you feel good. Many times i feel that people do not do this and rather carry on with life 
  • Is it the year that you are looking forward to that you are celebrating ?  If this was the case you should be a born astrologer. How is it that you know in advance that the year is going to be so good ?
It against logic in certain cases like your birthday, why celebrate one getting older ? It is against logic to me. 

If you want to celebrate - celebrate life itself !!! Every day in your life !!!


At 7:56 AM, Blogger R a n j i t said...

ivalo naal enga da irunthe rasa


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